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During a time when social media is one the most prominent connections to the outside world, we’re living for the endless amount of content digital creators are supplying. It’s even nicer to see them tapping into their creative juices to find ways to spread joy. Portland based, video-prodigy, Andi Aston, is an absolute wizard and one of the most innovative creators...

What’s happening during the COVID-19 pandemic? Users are online. And are spending a lot of time on their phones. Our influencer marketing agency collected some insights on what is going on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. More TikTokers More users all over the world are starting to upload their first TikTok videos, Google searches like “How to make a tiktok video”? have...

Our influencer marketing agency interviewed some TikTokers and collected the Best TikTok Tips & Tricks everyone should know and use in order to get more followers, increase the chance to get featured on the For You Page and how to create a long-term growth strategy. [message type='normal' icon='fa-envelope' icon_color='' icon_size='fa-lg' icon_background_color='' custom_icon='' background_color='#f2f2f2' border_color='' close_button_color=''] If you want to be featured on...

Now surpassing 1 billion active users, TikTok is clearly the place to reach Gen Z and Millennials. If you are curious about the best ways to kick start your brand’s presence on TikTok but are not sure where to start, we have some easy and effective tips that will get you started. Warning: TikTok content is highly addictive and you...

We have all seen viral TikTok videos and songs that surge in popularity as a result. It’s easy to spot viral content when you see it, but what steps are artists, and music labels taking to see their own songs go viral? Check out some of The Influencer Marketing Factory’s top tips below for getting a song on TikTok to...

If you have never worked on an influencer marketing campaign before, but are interested in doing so, we know it can sometimes be overwhelming to know where to begin. Here at The Influencer Marketing Factory, we have provided some of our best tips and tricks for crafting a campaign that performs well, and allows you to start forming an influencer...

Have you tried using influencer marketing to grow your business, but are not seeing the results you expected? It might be time for you to start focusing your campaigns on TikTok. It’s safe to say that professionals are making the right move by targeting social media users to increase their popularity.  Each social media platform has learned a lesson or two from...

If you are considering a professional photoshoot for your next influencer marketing campaign, you may want to hold off as there may be another option. Influencer marketing relies on authenticity, a factor that cannot be obtained by a professional photoshop. These costs can incur up to 10-20 times more than if the influencer were to create the content themselves. Leveraging influencer content...