Free Triller eBook

Updated on August 2020

    What Is Triller?

    Triller is one of the top-ranking apps of 2020 on both App Store and Google Play. Because of its power of music & social and trendy videos, it is also one of the best social media channels for Influencer Marketing. Short videos on Triller are generated by a younger generation in comparison to Instagram or YouTube.

    Table of contents

    1. What is Triller?
    2. Know Who’s on Triller
    3. Experiment With Your Content
    4. Take advantage of Triller’s unique features
    5. Integrate Your Strategy
    6. Use Internet Humor Effectively
    7. Dabble With Pay to Play
    8. Reorient Your Content to Be Music-Based
    9. Maximize Your #Hashtags

    About us

    We are a global influencer marketing agency that provides influencer marketing campaigns on Triller, TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.