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What is influencer marketing? Influencer marketing is a social-media based type of marketing, which engages individuals to promote a product or service. Influencers can be divided by the number of followers, industry, and content type. By Followers Mega-Influencer: Usually celebrities, like singers, actors, journalists; great audiences, but low engagement. Macro-Influencer: Content creators that have built a strong brand name; followers are high...

Nomination Our agency is proud and happy to say that our work has been recognized by The Drum's judges and it is officially a finalist of The Drum Marketing Awards USA 2020. The Drum Marketing Awards recognizes the best and most effective marketing from brands and agencies right across the US and our work has been chosen amongst this select group. Our TikTok...

Our influencer marketing agency interviewed some TikTokers and collected the Best TikTok Tips & Tricks everyone should know and use in order to get more followers, increase the chance to get featured on the For You Page and how to create a long-term growth strategy. [message type='normal' icon='fa-envelope' icon_color='' icon_size='fa-lg' icon_background_color='' custom_icon='' background_color='#f2f2f2' border_color='' close_button_color=''] If you want to be featured on...